Sunken Treasure

At the upper realm of Treasure Chest divers are essentially making an extended safety stop—though few safety stops could match what awaits. Photo by Walt Stearns
Bright sunlight washes the shallows, igniting the colorful schools of anthias and butterflyfish that dart between branching stands of staghorn coral. This reef top is a favorite gathering point for triggerfish, and also a good place to find clownfish peering out from their hosting anemones. Divers who pause to observe their surroundings may discover that there is a lot of house cleaning activity going on among the corals. Hosts of small rock shrimp form side to side and wave their antennae to advertise their services, then clamber aboard when a passing fish pauses to be rid of unwanted parasites. Looking closer within the overlaps of a plate coral may reveal a blue ribbon eel, a small lobster or a reclusive octopus.

There’s a lot of house cleaning going on around the crest at Treasure Chest. Hosts of small shrimp clamber aboard when passing fish, such as this coral cod, pause to be rid of unwanted parasites. Photo by Wakatobi Resort
With proper planning, a dive at Treasure Chest could last for an hour or more, and cover all of the diverse facets of the site from the deep garden eel colonies and gorgonian groves to the lively top of the reef. With abundant fish life and clear waters that showcase the true scope of this intriguing formation, it’s not surprising that Treasure Chest delights those who discover this special piece of Wakatobi Resort’s submerged wealth.
What are you waiting for? Don’t miss this and the myriad of incredible, healthy walls and reefs at Wakatobi Resort. And we’re easy to reach with private charter flights from Bali to the island every Monday and Friday. Learn more here.
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