Close Encounters of the Cuttlefish Kind Close Encounters of the Cuttlefish Kind At Wakatobi, encounters with glowing, other-worldly creatures like cuttlefish happen every day With eight arms growing out... Continue reading


Wakatobi’s Porcelain Treasures wakatobi's porcelain treasures

Taking a closer look at one of Wakatobi’s less celebrated anemone dwellers: the porcelain crab. You don’t have to swim far to find sea anemones on the reefs around Wakatobi Resort. Just yards from the resort jetty, a colorful carpet of these stationary predators adorn the slopes of the House Reef, and similar colonies are […]

Three Hearted Blue Bloods three hearted blue bloods

Wakatobi’s resident octopus can put on quite a show for those who know where to look Flailing tentacles capture unsuspecting prey with suction discs, then draw the victim towards a venomous beak. Three hearts pump blue blood through a shape-shifting body that seems to disappear by taking on the colors and patterns of its surroundings. […]

The Bizarre Burrow Builder the bizarre burrow builder

Wakatobi’s reefs are covered in a colorful carpet of corals, sponges, and gorgonians that shelter a range of interesting creatures. To find one of the area’s most intriguing and bizarre animals of all, look beyond the growth to find a bare spot where coral rubble surrounds a small hole where the Mantis shrimp is hiding. […]

Let’s Get Crabby let's get crabby

Discovering Wakatobi’s wild, weird and wonderful world of crabs When you hear the word “crabby” it often means someone is not having a good day. But if you are exploring the reefs of Wakatobi, getting crabby can be a good thing, as it opens up a fascinating world of clawed crustaceans. And we’re not just […]

Wakatobi’s Nut Job wakatobi's nut job

Encounters with the comically clever coconut octopus Humans like to believe we are unique in the animal kingdom. We walk on two legs, use tools, and have the ability to learn and adapt to changing environments. A few of our primate relatives show rudimentary talents in these areas, but we certainly wouldn’t expect a small, […]

Butterflies of the Sea butterflies of the sea

Nudibranchs add dazzling displays of color to our reefs Searching for sea slugs doesn’t sound like a glamorous activity. Unless the slugs in question are nudibranchs. That’s a whole different matter. Divers, and especially underwater photographers, take great delight in tracking down and identifying these colorful little critters, and the nudibranch’s bright hues and intricate […]

Kings of Camouflage kings of camouflage

It could be lurking close by, blending in perfectly with the coral reef or a sea grass bed. But unless it chooses to reveal itself, you could swim right by this alien-like creature without even knowing it was there. Sometimes referred to as “the chameleon of the sea,” cuttlefish have a remarkable ability to rapidly […]