Sunrise to Sunset

Published December 10, 2022

Wakatobi guests Allan Saben and Erik Schlogl share a sample of their images, taken one day – from sunrise to sunset, during a visit to Wakatobi Resort. Hope you enjoy this photo essay and learn about some fascinating Wakatobi marine life subjects. It’s a new day on the coral reef and the first dive on […]

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Butterflies of the Sea

Published January 29, 2016

Nudibranchs add dazzling displays of color to our reefs Searching for sea slugs doesn’t sound like a glamorous activity. Unless the slugs in question are nudibranchs. That’s a whole different matter. Divers, and especially underwater photographers, take great delight in tracking down and identifying these colorful little critters, and the nudibranch’s bright hues and intricate […]

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