Sunrise to Sunset

Published December 10, 2022

Wakatobi guests Allan Saben and Erik Schlogl share a sample of their images, taken one day – from sunrise to sunset, during a visit to Wakatobi Resort. Hope you enjoy this photo essay and learn about some fascinating Wakatobi marine life subjects. It’s a new day on the coral reef and the first dive on […]

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Bold Statements

Published April 18, 2014

Coral reefs are places of great beauty. But the tranquil appearance can be deceiving, as there are dangers everywhere for those who live among the corals. Reef communities are among the most densely populated environments on the planet. When predator and prey live so closely together, survival strategies become very important. Those who are built […]

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Survival of the Fittest, or Most Creative

Published June 4, 2013

The ocean is a vast expanse of calm and serenity, a beautiful haven for those who are lucky enough to marvel at. Yet for its myriad inhabitants, this vastly serene environment can rapidly become unforgiving. From feeding, to finding a safe refuge, to escaping predation, constant challenges are posed to the marine animals every day. […]

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