Small Treasures

Published January 22, 2024

Discovering a wealth of rare and elusive marine species at Wakatobi There are thousands of unique creatures to be discovered on the reefs of Wakatobi, including some rare specimens that even veteran marine-life scientists are excited to find. This was the case for Dr. Richard Smith, who once spent years traveling and diving across wide […]

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Fan Favorites

Published August 2, 2022

Discovering the Hidden Life Within Wakatobi’s Sea Fans If you imagine the reefs at Wakatobi Resort as coral jungles, it is the sea fans that become the trees. Yes, they are technically animals—more on that later—but in many respects, the prolific growths of sea fans that cover the walls and slopes of many of our […]

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The Bizarre Burrow Builder

Published July 3, 2022

Wakatobi’s reefs are covered in a colorful carpet of corals, sponges, and gorgonians that shelter a range of interesting creatures. To find one of the area’s most intriguing and bizarre animals of all, look beyond the growth to find a bare spot where coral rubble surrounds a small hole where the Mantis shrimp is hiding. […]

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Butterflies of the Sea

Published January 29, 2016

Nudibranchs add dazzling displays of color to our reefs Searching for sea slugs doesn’t sound like a glamorous activity. Unless the slugs in question are nudibranchs. That’s a whole different matter. Divers, and especially underwater photographers, take great delight in tracking down and identifying these colorful little critters, and the nudibranch’s bright hues and intricate […]

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Bold Statements

Published April 18, 2014

Coral reefs are places of great beauty. But the tranquil appearance can be deceiving, as there are dangers everywhere for those who live among the corals. Reef communities are among the most densely populated environments on the planet. When predator and prey live so closely together, survival strategies become very important. Those who are built […]

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