Diving in a Whole New Light

Published February 25, 2023

Scuba diving is a visual sport. Whether it’s seeking out small creatures among the hidden crevices of a coral head, or admiring the majestic vista of a vertical wall, the eyes have it… or so it seems. It turns out that fish and other marine life have the ability to reflect light in spectrums that […]

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Adding The Glow

Published February 13, 2017

Combining fluorescent and luminance light sources adds a new dimension to underwater imaging At Wakatobi Resort, diving doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. In fact, many underwater photographers find nighttime to be prime time for creating unique images. Among the primary attractions of night diving are the colors. At first, this statement may seem […]

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Under Cover of Darkness

Published November 28, 2016

Discovering the rewards of night diving at Wakatobi Resort As the sun sinks towards the western horizon, guests at Wakatobi Resort can look forward to a refreshing shower, a delicious dinner and perhaps a nightcap at the Jetty Bar. But not everyone is packing up the dive gear just yet. For some, nighttime is the […]

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Magical Fluorescing Corals

Published May 23, 2013

Wakatobi has some of the most pristine coral reefs on the planet, and some of the only reefs that are actually thriving, getting healthier, richer and more diverse each year. Divers come from around the world to immerse themselves in Wakatobi’s coral gardens, and to take in the visual feast these reefs provide. Recently, science […]

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